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“Rod i Familien” reaches 1/3 of the Danes!

Our nationwide series on DR1 “Rod i Familien” are turning out to be quite succesfull. More than 35 percent of all the Danes were watching last night and that makes us proud that a series with such serious and relevant content are seen by that many people? Go home, reality-tv, the real world is much […]

Working for Google!

Psyched to announce the dawning of a new partnership with Google. Last night we produced and webcasted the annual fashion award show Modeblogprisen 2012 for the guys at Google and that was really interesting. Definately not the last time we do a 5 camera award show and livecast it over the internet. What brave new […]

First TV show for kids!

We are finally proud to announce our very first children TV show, produced exclusively for Danish Broadcast Corporations kids channel Ramasjang. It is a series called Emilys Food Mysteries and show the young generation where our (organic) food comes from exactly and how the kids get the most out of it at the family dinner. […]